Contact us by email:
St Mary (814) 695-0622
St Michael (814) 695-0912
Signed in as:
St Mary (814) 695-0622
St Michael (814) 695-0912
Regular Mass Times at St. Mary Parish
(312 Clark St)
Weekend Mass: Saturday at 4 PM; Sunday at 7:30 and 10:00 AM
Weekday Mass: Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM and Friday at 7:45 AM
Regular Mass Times at St. Michael Parish
(301 Spruce St)
Weekend Mass: Saturday at 5 PM; Sunday at 7:30, 10:00 and 11:30 AM
Weekday Mass: (Mon., Tues., Thurs.) 7:45 AM
Maggotty, Jamaica - March 2025
A team of 4 individuals traveled to Maggotty, Jamaica this week to offer help and medical aide to many people in the Maggotty community. From Left to Right: Dr. Andrea Wilk (OT), Malgorzata Sczcypka (massage therapist), Dr. Bill Hanlon (PT) and Lucy Hanlon.
October 17, 2025 to The National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Registration to participate in the pilgrimage will open in Summer 2025. Additional information about the pilgrimage can be found on the Diocese web page: www.dioceseaj.org/jubilee-2025 and will be updated accordingly.
Our parishes are purchasing new software and we need all parishioners to re-register. Please click below to update your records with us. If you have never registered and would like to do so please contact the parish office before registering.
St. Mary and St. Michael Funeral volunteer ministry thanks you for your assistance with this most important ministry. The funeral luncheon is a way we can assist and support the grieving families in our parishes after a death in the family. To join the ministry volunteers, please click on the button below.
St. Michael Parish - Hollidaysburg - during the 10 AM Mass
Are you a parent or caregiver of a young child? Are they sometimes a little squirmy in church?
Is it sometimes a struggle to sit in church when their little bodies just want to move, but you still want them to be involved in the service?
Welcome to Little Lamb’s Liturgy!
Starting Sunday September 8, 2024, at Saint Michael Church in Hollidaysburg we will be hosting a special children service DURING the 10 AM Mass! The topic for September 8th will be the parable of the prodigal son.
This liturgy will be held twice a month.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
is available at both parishes:
5:30 PM Wednesday's at St. Mary
4:00 PM Thursday before the 1st Friday at St Mary
1:00 PM Saturday at St. Michael
2:30 PM Saturday at St. Mary
For those who are unable to attend Mass in person, we encourage you to watch and participate in the recorded weekend Mass.
Every weekday and weekend you can listen to the readings/gospel and Fr. Alan's Homily. Past recordings are also available.
We have compiled a list of resources and websites for all ages and groups no matter where you are on your faith journey.
Faith Formation is vital in your child's education and we are here to help parents develop their child's personal relationship with Christ and to teach Church doctrine.
Spend some quiet time in prayer and in the presence of Our Lord at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament held at St. Mary's Parish (312 Clark Street) EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH from 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM.
It's FAST and EASY! Simply text the word "smhburg" to the number 84576, then follow the easy steps.
Click here to register online -> https://stmarystmichael.flocknote.com
Sign-up to receive news from the parish, receive bulletins, or updates from your favorite parish groups. We are often adding new groups for you to join and receive information from. Be sure to check to see if there is a group you'd like to hear from.
Contact the parish office and they will be happy to help.
We know that the Lord is continually with us in the
Real Presence found in the Eucharist.
We would like to have Eucharistic Adoration at the Adoration Chapel Monday to Friday between
7:00 AM and Midnight.
It is imperative that at least one adorer be present
with the Blessed Sacrament during exposition.
We need adorers to consider taking the time to
reserve one hour of your day to spend with the Lord.
Please signup online or contact either office to indicate your willingness to cover a portion of this seventeen hour period of prayer and adoration.
We can never underestimate the power of prayer,
and we are confident that this time of adoration will be
fruitful for us not only personally, but for all those throughout the Diocese. Thank you.
Weekend Masses are sometimes live streamed on our Facebook page.
If you are going to be out of town and would like to find a Mass near you, click the button below.